Reinsurers Rating
- Follow global rating companies
- Always follow up with partners on the strength of their financial position and solvency
- Always advise them to stay away from harmful and risky investments
- Informing partners of all new developments through our regulator in Egypt
We provide insightful guidance and smart advice to our clients in a large number of sectors. Help you to find out how you can mitigate the risks of your operations and interests.
Allocate Partners
Allocate Partners to place the business is the ultimate goal and how to achieve it. It is so important for business to be placed by a partner who can cover the business and who are willing to write business.It is very important to approach our market to place the business with our partners of reinsurers that they are understanding for Insurance the market and the circumstances of the risk.
Negotiations & Discussions
All markets are experiencing a very competitive environment This climate does not stabilize the extraction of a quote that satisfies all parties. Therefore, some companies may have to make some concessions out of the ordinary in order to get business – our role is to convince partners of the importance of cooperation and contribute to coverage by showing strengths, explaining weaknesses and urging insurers to develop and improve these weak points.